1,000+ High Schools & Colleges and Growing Fast

We have the largest college & high school network in North America. With a rapidly growing network of 1,000+ institutions, let us help you get your educational messages directly to your student audience. 

Much like the post-secondary path for many students, high school is also where it all began for Glacier. We started promoting Canadian University & College messages in Canadian high schools back in 2013, and since then our cool, positive vibes have caught on like wild fire. Currently we have partnered with over 1,000+ high schools and colleges with that number rising daily. We knew that in order to better understand and influence the primary audience of or clients, we needed to truly understand where that audience came from and how they make their decisions to attend post-secondary.

Whether you are looking to reach out to high school students locally, in state, out of state, or even internationally, we can make that happen.


Want to learn more about this unique opportunity? 

Contact us at info@weareglacier.org